Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 15 (Start Week 3 & Weigh-In)

Chest & Back.
Increased my standard push-ups to 30 and the others went up as well.  I was stuck at 4/5 on the chin-ups and pull-ups and did a second round using the chair.

Once again, I felt nautious after this particular workout. Had to stop for about 5 minutes during the last round.

Weight: 169.8
BMI: 26.9
BF: 23.8
Water: 55.6
DCI: 2734

Well, I've managed to gain weight every week so far. lol My BF is down overall and about the same as last week. I've been modifying my diet to what I thought was pretty healthy but I think it's time I start counting calories now.

Day 14

Kenpo X
I had fun with this one again. I think I may have spike my HR to 180 once or twice. I was actually feeling like I could do more at the end. The cardio workouts have been pretty easy for me so far.

Day 13

Legs & Back
I surprised myself and did 8 chin-ups to start it off. The other chin-ups and sit-up sets were around 4/5 and I used the chair on the second sets. I was able to do the full time on the wall squats this time also.

Day 12

Legs & Back was supposed to be legs & back. I fell asleep and didn't wake up until midnight. I really didn't feel like starting that late so I skipped. I will use this as my off day.

Day 11

I think I did a little better with the yoga poses today but I cut it off at around 45 minutes. 90 minutes is just too much yoga!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 10

Shoulder & Arms
Pushed it pretty hard on this workout. I really need to get some new weights so I don't have to keep pausing and adjusting them. I'm doing a little better on the Ab-RipperX. My current goal is to do at least 20 of the 25 reps.

I switched to a different multi-vitamin since the last one (one-a-day) was making me nauseous.

Day 9

Another good cardio workout here.